Saturday, April 28, 2012

mia's wedding illustration

akhirnya kelar juga yang ini :D
a custom wedding illustration for mia, ngga bagus2 banget sih sebenernya, cuman yah...itung2 buat ngasih kado pernikahanlah critanya *sok ikhlas

konsepnya sih kartun tradisional gitu, cuman yah jadinya kaya gini..hahahahaha

and more artwork coming up soon, cu amigos! :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

sang pencuri hati (a sad story for valentine's day)


These artwork is based on my own story

There’s a girl that I like, in my eyes, she’s cute, adorable, humble and kind
She stole my heart from long time ago, I could’ve say I fall for her from the start, but I didn’t have the courage to spoke or do, because I don’t think that a pretty girl like her is single, and I think she’s too precious to be mine

And until the day that we met, I took the courage to spoke to her, she’s funny, she laugh every time we met, I like the shine in her eyes when she’s laughing, so pure and innocent, so bright and warm, there’s many simple things that she do make me fall for her , and I fall for her deeper

As times goes by, I forbid myself to be with her, she just say “if only we could turn back time, if only we met sooner”, it’s hard to make her laugh again after saying those words, it makes me feel guilty for the time that I’m being stupid, for the time that I don’t have the courage to be with her
i only regrets the things that had happen, but i can’t succumb to it, with this, i took my path, and willing to let her go sincerely….all I can say is that I’m sorry for the time I wasn’t be able to be there for her

And finally I decided to made this, at least, this artwork can represent my feelings to her, the care and affection that I could not show, words that can’t be spoken…people say, “a picture can say thousands words”, I hope it’s true

Hopefully she’ll be happy, because I’m happy for her, I’m very grateful I’ve known her, be close to her, even if only for just a short period of time (even though she’ll call me stupid after reading this LOL)

It’s kind of a little sad story for a valentine story, may everybody that reading this post not doing the same mistakes as I do, time is precious, because we can never go back to retrieve it in the future

Theme song : john mayer – daughter, secondhand serenade – fall for you
I do the drawings, and the poetry done by my dear brother mr. sicksense, he’s good at words, but not good with girls (so do i) hahahahahahaha

I’ll see you in my next artworks amigos! Cheers!

Monday, February 6, 2012

face sketch

face sketch

setelah sekian lama, (bisa dibilang sih ini untuk pertama kalinya :p) saya membuat gambar sketsa wajah. beberapa kesulitan yang saya temui adalah proporsi dan awal untuk memulai. dan berkat bimbingan dari seorang teman yang memang berkecimpung dalam dunia lukis dan karikatur (meskipun bimbingannya lewat sms hahahahaha) setidaknya saya bisa menangkap saran saran yang diberikan.

ehm..kalau tentang modelnya sih ya....hahahaha..bisa dibilang sang pencuri hati, tapi sepertinya agak susah, karena kondisi :D
rencananya sih bakalan artwork tentang dia lagi, semoga bisa selesai tepat waktu :)
"karena saya miskin dan ngga punya uang, makanya ngerayu pake artwork" itulah salah satu kalimat yang terus memberi saya semangat untuk berkarya, ngga ada ruginya kok, paling cuman patah hati aja kalo ditolak..hahahahahahaha
cheers amigos!

Friday, January 20, 2012

selamat tahun baru imlek

selamat tahun baru imlek / happy chinese new year

ini sebenernya artwork buat tatonya orang, berhubung belum diambil, pake dikit gapapa kali ya...hahahahaha

saya mengucapkan selamat tahun baru cina buat semua orang yang merayakan, semoga di tahun baru ini kita semua bisa menjadi lebih baik :)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

this is why the smokes never comes back to the cigarette

this is why the smokes never comes back to the cigarette

terinspirasi dari kalimat dalam film mr. nobody (itu judulnya kalo ga salah), "and the smokes never comes back to the cigarette"...suatu saat kita (perokok) akan hilang seperti asap yang keluar dari mulut kita, mari berusaha berhenti merokok bersama sama, balapan sama rokoknya buat saling meninggalkan...hahahahaha

Monday, October 17, 2011

trick or treat

trick or treat

artwork buat kontes beberapa tahun lalu (lupa nama majalahnya) 
cuman ya...gitu..baru selese sekarang hahahahaha
adaptasi dari karakternya bapak Tim Burton, pencipta nightmare before christmas, suka banget sama stylenya, tone warnanya juga cakep :)

anyway ini critanya kalo lagi haloween anak anak pada dandan jadi hantu, nah ini kebalik, hantunya yang dandan jadi manusia :))
done in PS and wacom (pamer wacom critanya hahahaha)

enjoy amigos! cheers!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

(g)agak indigo

(g)agak indigo

bermain kembali dengan vector art :)
percobaan dengan warna-warna yang berbeda, tapi kok keliatannya tetep aja "dark" hahahahaha

musti rajin belajar lagi, biar cepet sukses :p
